
Programs of Study


Degree: AAS | Graduation Requirements: 64 credits

Program Summary:

The Associate in Applied Science degree program in Nursing is a two-year Nursing curriculum that offers a supportive environment where students can grow as professionals and learn how to be Registered Nurses.

Please CLICK HERE for 17勛圖厙's Nursing Program Admissions criteria.

The Nursing curriculum is offered to men and women of all ages including recent high school graduates, mature adults, and licensed practical nurses. Graduates are prepared to accept beginning level staff nursing positions in a variety of health facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and extended care facilities.

The emphasis of the curriculum is on direct patient care in the preparation of students for the three interrelated roles which are defined for the graduates of the Associate Degree program as provider of care, manager of care, and member within the discipline of nursing. Through the study of the Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences, and Nursing, students will gain an understanding of the value of individuals and their contributions to society.

Clinical experiences for Nursing students are scheduled by the Nursing Department and may include day, evening, and weekend time frames. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to clinical and community facilities in Sullivan and surrounding counties. All clinical components run concurrently with lectures. To progress, students must satisfactorily complete all clinical components.

Students must also complete assignments in the Nursing Skills Lab and Simulation Lab. These assignments are completed both inside and outside of class time.

Students must complete the Nursing Program within four academic years of the date of enrollment in Nursing courses. They must receive a C+ or better in all Nursing courses to progress in the program.

To be eligible for licensure as a Registered Nurse, graduates must meet the criteria for good moral character as determined by the New York State Education Department. All Students must undergo an FBI and NYS criminal background check, child abuse registry check in NY and PA, drug screen and fingerprinting.

All students must show proof of vaccination or titers for MMR, Varicella, COVID 19, Hepatitis B, TDaP, TB, and Influenza for clinical placement. Declinations are acceptable for Hepatitis B and Flu vaccination ONLY. There are NO OTHER exceptions to this requirement.

Transfer students who want to matriculate into the nursing program must provide a letter from their previous Nursing program Director stating that the student did not leave for behavioral or clinical issues relating to professionalism or patient safety.

In addition to the daytime program which starts in fall, the College Nursing program has added a late afternoon and evening cohort allowing those who work during the day to continue to work and attend the Nursing program classes after hours. This cohort will be a 4 semester track beginning January 22, and graduating in December 2026. The next opportunity for enrollment in this afternoon/evening program will be Spring 2026.

The Nursing curriculum is accredited and registered with the New York State Education Department, Bureau of Professional Licensing:
89 Washington Avenue, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Albany, NY 12234
Phone (518) 486-2967 | Fax (518) 473-0114.

Graduate Outcomes:

By the conclusion of the program the student will be able to:

  • Deliver safe, effective patient-centered care across the lifespan, populations, and continuum of care.
    • recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in the design of the care;
    • provide compassionate and coordinated care;
    • demonstrate respect for the diversity of patients preferences, values, and needs (QSEN 1: Patient Centered Care)
  • Use the nursing process and critical thinking skills to develop and evaluate the patients plan of care, interpret results, and implement modifications. (QSEN 2: Assessment)
  • Collaborate effectively within inter-professional teams to develop a plan that will achieve high quality patient care (QSEN 3: Teamwork and Collaboration)
    • Use open communication to discuss therapeutic options
    • Demonstrate mutual respect
    • Demonstrate integrity
    • Participate in shared decision-making
    • Demonstrate professional habits, attitudes, behaviors, and values.
  • Demonstrate evidence-based practicesfor the delivery of optimal health care
    • Locateand apply current evidence to practice.
    • Identify and interpret expected outcomes to the patient/family.(QSEN 4: Evidence Based Practice)
  • Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes; appraise methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.(QSEN 5: Quality Improvement)
  • Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and safe, effective individual performance.(QSEN 6: Safety)
  • Use information technology to communicate, manage knowledge, identify, mitigate and report errors, and support decision making (QSEN 7: Informatics and Technology.)

The 17勛圖厙


  • 17勛圖厙s unique blend of friendly faculty, tutoring, simulation opportunities, and accelerated admission makes our two-year nursing degree one of our cornerstone programs.

  • Our partnerships with regional health care providers ensure that students enjoy rewarding clinical experiences and build relationships that lead to employment, and our partnerships with four-year colleges will accelerate BSN completion.

  • Graduates are prepared to accept beginning level staff nursing positions in a variety of health facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and extended care facilities.

Fundamentals of Nursing (NUR 1001)
Clinical for NUR 1001
Lab for NUR 1001
General Psychology
Principles of Biology I
Composition I
Commonalities in Nursing Care (NUR 1010)
Clinical for NUR 1010
Lab for NUR 1010
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Health Problems Throughout the Life Cycle I (NUR 2020)
Clinical for NUR 2020
Lab for NUR 2020
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Pharmacology & the Human Body
Elementary Statistics
Health Problems Throughout the Life Cycle II (NUR 2030)
Clinical for NUR 2030
Nursing Issues & Trends
Developmental Psychology


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