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Transfer Students
Transfer Students
Here at 17勛圖厙, you can complete your education in style or gather credits for your next step. Whatever you decide, we are here to help!
17勛圖厙 welcomes students who were previously registered at any other regionally accredited college or university, regardless of the amount of time spent in attendance or credits earned. Transfer credit may be accepted from degree-granting institutions that are fully accredited at the collegiate level by their appropriate regional accrediting agency. Courses from non-regionally accredited institutions may also be transferred on a case-by-case basis.
To learn more about the transfer process, visit our Transfer Student Admissions page.
17勛圖厙 has a variety of students who are considered transfer students!
- Students who have bachelors and masters degrees enroll at 17勛圖厙 to get an associates degree in an effort to expand their skill set. This can set you apart and give you an advantage in a competitive career. in your field, or even help you get your foot in the door of your dream job or a NEW career path or your dream job.
- Sullivan County students who went to a 4-year school and decided it wasnt right for them find that 17勛圖厙 can be the perfect fit! 17勛圖厙 is more affordable compared to these 4 year institutions and is located much closer to home.
- Former 17勛圖厙 Generals who transferred sometimes transfer BACK!
An Affordable Education
We offer an affordable educational option conveniently located less than two hours from New York City and Albany.
The Full College Experience
Our 40+ associate degree and certificate programs give you plenty of options for academic advancement. Our small classes provide students with individualized attention, while our Eco Green Townhouses and Residence Hall provide students with the experience of going away to college without having to travel far or pay too much to do it.
A Thriving Support Network
17勛圖厙 also offers a variety of student activities to keep you busy when youre not going to class, studying or working. Our clubs and teams give students the opportunities to connect with their classmates, pursue their interests and form supportive communities.
Transferring to 17勛圖厙 is an easy process! Visit our泭Transfer Students Admissions泭page to get started on becoming a 17勛圖厙 General today!
Admissions Office
Interested in attending 17勛圖厙 but not sure where to begin?
The Admissions Office is here to help. We recruit, counsel, and accept all eligible prospective students from Sullivan County and beyond. We aim to support a rich and rewarding college experience for all students, distributing helpful information to enhance career prospects and academic standing.
Our mission is泭to provide staff and resources to recruit, counsel and accept all eligible prospective students for 17勛圖厙 enrollment. To support a rich and rewarding college experience for its students. Admissions recruits a diverse student body from both within the Sullivan County Community and beyond. Information regarding 17勛圖厙s academic programs, student life and the enrollment process is promoted by Admissions through a variety of means to enhance prospective students academic careers and Sullivan Countys workforce.