Transfer Students
Transfer Students
Students are classified as transfer students if they have previously registered at any other regionally accredited college or university, regardless of the amount of time spent in attendance or credit earned.  All transcripts containing courses eligible for transfer college credit* must be received by the Admission’s Office.
The Director of Registration Services reviews course descriptions for possible transfer credits. At times, students may be asked to provide a course outline in lieu of course descriptions. It is important for students to have college transcripts submitted as early as possible to allow evaluations to be completed before registration. Transcripts may either be sent directly to 17³Ô¹ÏÍø from the issuing institution or be hand-delivered in a envelope sealed by the issuing institution.
A minimum of 25 percent of the program or certificate credit must be earned at 17³Ô¹ÏÍø in order to graduate from 17³Ô¹ÏÍø. Transfer credits may be accepted from degree-granting institutions that are fully accredited at the collegiate level by their appropriate regional accrediting agency. Courses from non-regionally accredited institutions may also be transferred on a case by case basis. Students with college credits from colleges outside the U.S. must have a course-by-course commercial evaluation from an .
Students wishing to cross-register with another SUNY college or university must use .
*Transcripts containing courses eligible for transfer college credit may come from an accredited college or university, BOCES, CLEP, AP (Advanced Placement), other institutions with which we have an articulation agreement.
- The course title/description is similar to that of a course offered at 17³Ô¹ÏÍø.
- The course bears college-level credits.
- The student received a grade of C or better in that course.
Only classes/credits that apply towards a student’s major are listed on their transcript. If a student declares a different major, he/she should have his/her transcript evaluated for the new program of study, to ensure that students do not register for classes they’ve already taken elsewhere.
- Lack of Official College Transcript/Admissions Office has not received transcript
- Grade of C- or below
- Course is not similar to a 17³Ô¹ÏÍø course
- Course is developmental where college level credit was not awarded
- Course Description or Course Outline is required for review by Chairperson
- College is not accredited
- Courses taken Pass/Fail will not transfer without proof from the institution that the grade earned was a C or higher
- Withdrawals do not transfer
The college will notify students of results of transfer evaluations in writing. Upon receipt of the written evaluation, students may schedule an appointment with the Director of the Department of Learning and Student Development Services if they have questions or wish to appeal the evaluation.
If after this meeting students still wish to appeal, they would need to meet with the Division Chairperson of the course(s) in question.
In order to receive a degree from 17³Ô¹ÏÍø, at least fifty percent of the credits required for the degree must be earned here (twenty-five percent for military under Service member’s Opportunity College with a waiver from the Office of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs).
We strongly encourage you to apply for financial aid as soon as you start your application to ensure that you will have the aid you need.
Once you are admitted, there are Next Steps to Becoming a General that you’ll also need to complete.
Admissions Office
Interested in attending 17³Ô¹ÏÍø but not sure where to begin?
The Admissions Office is here to help. We recruit, counsel, and accept all eligible prospective students from Sullivan County and beyond. We aim to support a rich and rewarding college experience for all students, distributing helpful information to enhance career prospects and academic standing.
Our mission is to provide staff and resources to recruit, counsel and accept all eligible prospective students for 17³Ô¹ÏÍø enrollment. To support a rich and rewarding college experience for its students. Admissions recruits a diverse student body from both within the Sullivan County Community and beyond. Information regarding 17³Ô¹ÏÍø’s academic programs, student life and the enrollment process is promoted by Admissions through a variety of means to enhance prospective students’ academic careers and Sullivan County’s workforce.